If you are feeling lonely, ESC has several ways you can connect to others online. We have chat groups that are structured to help you address your concerns, a joyful journaling class that gives you wants to journal your journey through COVID and beyond. These classes are free. Please consider registering for the classes by going to: https://edmontonseniorscentre.ca/courses.html. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your situation, please call our Registered Social Worker and she can help you with mental health referrals: 780-425-8625. Leave a message and you'll get a call back. If you are feeling desperate, please call the mental health line at: Canadian Mental Health Association-Edmonton Region: 780 414 6300.
No social gatherings inside your home or outside of your community 15-person limit on family & social gatherings Limit of 3 cohorts, plus child care Mask use required in all indoor workplaces Employers in office settings to reduce employees in the workplace at one time Restaurants/pubs stop liquor sales by 10pm, close by 11pm (Nov 13-27) Ban on indoor group fitness classes & team sports (Nov 13-27) Ban on group singing, dancing & performing activities (Nov 13-27) 50-person limit on wedding and funeral services (indoor & outdoor) Faith-based gatherings limited to 1/3 capacity
Watch Divine Spice If you love to cook, or just enjoy new and interesting food, this is the show for you. Check out the video created by Yasmin and Ratna about their philosophy of food, spices, and herbs.
For seniors with dogs, please be aware that there are now issues with your dog getting and passing the virus on. Have a look at this article from the CBC: Click here to read more.
We have adopted the following Bill of Rights as a means of keeping our donors rights in the forefront of our thinking.The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits. It has been endorsed by numerous organizations.The Donor Bill of Rights: Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors…
Family Caregiver Wellness Virtual EventJoin NorQuest College and Caregivers Alberta on November 17th & 18th for a free virtual event for family caregivers and associated organizations! Now, more than ever, family caregivers are in need of support to care for their loved ones. The Family Caregiver Wellness Virtual Event will share educational and community resources that will help them on their caregiving journey. Activities will include a keynote from Dr. Jasneet Parmar, a Vendor Showcase, a look at new assistive technologies, and caregiver focused workshops from NorQuest College and Caregivers Alberta. Date: November 17th & 18th (Join us for one day or both!)Time: November 17 (3:00 PM - 5:00 PM) & November 18 (8:15 AM - 12:15 PM)Learn more & register: bit.ly/familycaregiverwellness
Joey Moss was a part of the fabric of Edmonton Sports from the day Wayne Gretzy brought him to the locker room, until the day Joey retired. Even when the Oilers we less than brilliant, as season ticket holders, we looked forward to watching Joey sing the national anthem. His sincerity and enthusiasm were inspiring. He brought the same kind of joy and appreciation for life that so many of our Winnifred Stewart - ESC members bring to our lunches. Joey was awarded the “Seventh Man Award” by the NHL Alumni association, presented to him by none other than the Great One himself. He received the Edmonton Mayor’s Award in 2007, has a mural in his image in downtown Edmonton, and is an inductee in the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame. In 2012 he was…
Our Seniors Centre, ESC, is located in the Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre. Unfortunately, the EGCCC is experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak. Eighty-two people are infected, and five have died. Our hearts go out to the residents, friends, family and health care professionals who are working with this challenge. The people at the EGCCC are our clients, friends and neighbours whom we care deeply about. For more information, please see this news article from CTV news. Many of you have expressed your concern for the future of ESC because we have not been able to open in a way that is safe for our attendees. Thank you for your thoughtful and kind emails. Thank you to those who donated to us during this difficult time. While our wish is that we could open, because we know…