Seniors’ Week June 7 – 11

What we are thinking .... Since we can't get together, yet, what do you think about having a Zoom Meeting on Monday at Noon. Wear a hat, any kind of hat, and think about what you'd like to share with others about your summer plans. We will send out the Zoom meeting notices next week. On June 9 we have a presentation on tips on How to Be A Supportive Friend  as part of our seniors week special events.  On Thursday June 9 we are having a Beverages/Cocktails @ 3:00 p.m. Zoom party. - drink from anything but a proper cup/glass. I have a Mason Jar with my name on it for this event. Join us for some fun and laughter. You'll see the Zoom links next week.

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Spring 2021 edition of Dementia Advice from Alberta Health.

The Spring 2021 edition of the Dementia Advice bulletin is now available and can be accessed by clicking For more information about the Dementia Advice program, please visit us at Click here to access the Advice Bulletin

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One on One Class to set privacy on FaceBook

Hana will be teaching one-on-one classes on how to set your privacy on FaceBook and other social media sites. The things you post on there are forever, they never go away, even if you delete them. So, learning how to set your privacy settings on your social media pages is important to your safety and to the safety of those around you, including grandchildren. To sign up for Hana's class you can set up a time with her on Fridays, for an hour, anytime between 9am to 4pm. She will work with you over the phone to walk you through setting up all the safety measures you can. Classes start on June 11, 2021. Just set up your time with Hana. You can register for the class on the webpage: or click here:…

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Protect yourself on Social Media

Post photos and information about yourself and your loved ones with great caution, even if your social media platforms have privacy protections. Carefully consider who you're sharing videos and photographs with. Don't perform any explicit acts online. Once a photo is posted online if is incredibly difficult to delete it. Multiple 'likes' and 'shares' could send a picture of your grandchild halfway round the world to people you don't even know, and once it's on someone else's hard disk, you'll never be able to remove it. Pictures and posts are forever, so proceed with caution. Disable your webcam or any other camera connected to the internet when you aren't using it. Hackers can get remote access and record you. Photos and videos of children shared on social media by the adults in their lives…

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Looking for Testimonials

As you know, we are working on a Scam Alert Project for Seniors. If you have been scammed, or had a close call, would you be willing to share your story? We'd like to interview you on Zoom and record it. We can edit it to fit our time restraints. You'll need to sign a release so we can post your story on YouTube as part of a learning series we are putting together. If you feel others can learn from your experience, please email us at

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The Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s

Dr. Trevor Steve to present on Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease for September 16 from 1:00 - 2:30.  It is on a Thursday instead of the Wednesday because this is the day he is available.  Also it will run a 1/2 longer.  I am looking forward to this presentation.  Please advertise.  There is a poster with his  bio, photo and synopsis for advertising.  I am hoping we can get at least 20 or more people. Here's the link to attend.

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Greensleeves AHS Wellness Wednesday

Our friend, Prakash Mullick, has created some very useful templates to to with your Greensleeves. These templates will help you fill them out. There will be free copies of the templates sent to all those who join us for this free information session: Here is the link for the meeting on Wednesday, May 26 at 1 PM: Greensleeves: Think of it as your “Medical Passport”.The Green sleeve is a plastic pocket that holds important Advance Care Planning documentsand other forms that outline a patient’s goals for health care. It is given to patients cared forin AHS who have had discussions, or completed documents, that refer to decision-makingabout their current or future health care.The information contained in the Green Sleeve is to give all health care providers, in anysetting, access to a patient’s goals of…

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Estate Planning

Access to our online accounts are an important part of estate planning and something you should talk to your lawyer about. Below you'll find some examples of the kinds of accounts your executor might need to help resolve your estate: The Best Plan: Create a List The best plan is probably the simplest. Just make a list of your user names, passwords, PINs, and related accounts, and then make sure the right person knows how to get access to it. The hard parts are remembering all the passwords you've accumulated, and keeping the list up to date. You'll need a secure place to keep the paper, a safety deposit box, or a digital password manager that the executor or your lawyer has access to. Be sure to include information on how to access: computersInternet…

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St. Albert Resident Fire

The Tegler Foundation is opening their spare housing units to displaced Residents or their Families. If you are in need due to the fire, you can call The Tegler Foundation at 780-422-1531. We can likely accommodate 6-7 displaced Seniors and provide some items to get them settled.     If you are from Qualicare or the City of St. Albert, please leave a message at the Edmonton Seniors Centre, and we'll get back to you with the numbers for you to contact. 780-425-8625 ex.2003

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Urinary Incontinence

This is an issue that concerns seniors. There are solutions. Come and explore all the options for dealing with Urinary Incontinence. Topic: Urinary IncontinenceTime: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 01:00 PM Edmonton Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 6468 2434Passcode: 155273

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