ESC has received a grant, along with the YEG Seniors Alliance, from the Edmonton Foundation to create training modules and plain language content explaining fraud and fraud prevention. We need another focus group that will work with the writing team to see if the step by step plain language explanations are workable and easy to understand. So often internet fraud is written in jargon, with phishing, refreshing, hovering, catfishing, etc. used to explain what a fraud is and how to prevent it. In our initial focus group, we heard from seniors who had been frustrated with the way fraud prevention classes had gone about explaining internet security and self protection. Our goal is to work with focus groups to vet the information we are writing before it is posted on the web. If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please contact us at office@edmontonseniorscentre.ca You will need the ability to read and comment on instructions and give constructive feedback. You will need an email address to participate and about an hour a week for 8 weeks.
We have only one spot left on the Focus Group, so please email if you are interested: aed@edmontonseniorscentre.ca