As you will recall, last summer we moved to a new database. It was expensive, very expensive, but we knew we had to have an encrypted system that was safe for seniors to feel confident inputting their payment information. We found a sponsor for the short term but very expensive solution, but now that sponsor’s not funding next year. We knew that was going to be the case, so we wrote a grant to get money to hire a web designer to create an encrypted, secure online database and e-commerce site to use. The good news is that the new site costs 1/6th as much as the very expensive site, and is something the staff can maintain without huge costs. It is secure, the servers are in Canada, and the payment process is Canadians based. With a much less expensive database, we have more money to spend on programming.
We will need your help. When the new system goes live, you’ll receive and email asking you to create a new account. Sorry. There’s just no way around it. So, please, help us out and if you need help, we’ll make sure to post Hana’s ESC phone number here so she can help you. For those who have paid for April or May classes, we’ll move that information over manually.
We appreciate your patience as we work to lower costs, something we need to do with the financial impact of COVID on our organization.
We’ve worked hard to create a site that is easy for you to use and that will protect all your information.